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What Certification Do You Need for Scaffolding?

Scaffolding is an essential ingredient in the construction industry, used for thousands of years to assist workers and materials in completing construction projects all over the world. While scaffolding is the most efficient way to complete projects on time and on budget, there will always be dangers inherent in working from heights. It’s essential that all workplace health and safety procedures are strictly followed to ensure the risk of injuries to workers are minimised as much as possible. Any miscalculations in the assembly or alterations of scaffolding equipment can undoubtedly be fatal, so using qualified scaffolders is paramount.

Qualified scaffolders are responsible for the entire scaffolding process; from design, ground inspections, assembly, flooring, maintenance, safety barriers, and disassembly. Safety is the leading priority when it comes to working from heights, so intimate knowledge of workplace health and safety is required. Naturally, a lot of experience and training is required to become successful in this profession. If you’re interested in becoming qualified in scaffolding, here’s what you’ll need to do.


While experience plays an integral role in being a successful scaffolder, there is also formal certification that is required to conduct any scaffolding work. Where a person or materials can fall greater than four metres in height, a 'High Risk Work Licence for Scaffolding' is needed. Even when the height of scaffolding is less than four metres, every principalc ontractor has an obligation to uphold all workplace health and safety standards. This includes giving information, instructions, training, and supervision to workers to ensure that scaffolding is safely erected, dismantled, altered, and maintained.

How to get a High Risk Work Licence for Scaffolding

There are three classes of High Risk Work Licences that scaffolders can attain: Scaffolding Basic, Scaffolding Intermediate, and Scaffolding Advanced. The following lists the type of scaffolding work an individual can perform after obtaining each of these licences.

Scaffolding Basic

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Prefabricated scaffolds

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Cantilevered hoist with a load limit not exceeding 500 kilograms (materials only)

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Ropes

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Gin wheels

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Safety nets and static lines

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Bracket scaffolds (tank and formwork)

Scaffolding Intermediate

Along with all the work that falls under Scaffolding Basic:

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Tube and coupler scaffolds including tube and coupler covered ways and gantries

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Cantilever and spurred scaffolds

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Cantilever crane loading platforms

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Mast climbers

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Barrow ramps and sloping platforms

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Scaffolding associated with perimeter safety screens and shutters

Scaffolding Advanced

In conjunction with all the work that falls under Scaffolding Basic and Scaffolding Intermediate:

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Hung scaffolds, including scaffolds hanging from tubes, wire ropes and chains

[if !supportLists]● [endif]Suspended scaffolds

After you’ve completed and passed your assessment, you must submit your paperwork to the relevant Government authority within 60 days of to receive your High Risk Work Licence. There is also a small processing fee that you are required to pay upon lodging your paperwork.

If you’re wishing to receive your Scaffolding Advanced certification, you’ll need to complete both the Scaffolding Basic and Scaffolding Intermediate courses. Additionally, the Scaffolding Basic course will need to be completed before you can attempt the Scaffolding Intermediate course.

Your High Risk Work Licence is valid for five years and includes the expiry date and licence class. All qualified scaffolders must carry their licence with them when conducting any type of scaffolding work. Once your licence has expired, you'll need to visit the relevant Government organisation in your state to renew it. Although you obtain your High Risk Work Licence through your state's relevant body, all High Risk Work Licences are nationally recognised all over Australia.

Interested in acquiring your licence?

To become a prosperous scaffolder, there are a variety of skills and qualities needed. Scaffolding is physically demanding work, so strength and fitness is required to be able to undertake the work productively. In addition, a good understanding of the risks connected with working from heights and working with tools, chemicals, and heavy objects is required. In general, an outstanding awareness of health and safety is required coupled with high attention to detail.

If you're interested in speaking with a scaffolding professional before pursuing your High Risk Work Licence for Scaffolding, talk with the experts at Uni-Span by calling 1300 882 825.

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