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Designing Today's Houses With Concrete - Perks of Using Concrete

In the event that you're contemplating creating a brand new property, chances are you are swamped with questions; What should the home kitchen look like? What windows should we use? How many bedrooms will we require?

But, what about which material the house will be developed with? While the more traditional options include products such as brick, many new property owners are searching for brand-new and innovating ways to develop their fantasy home. Different products for a new house can make a residence look totally unique and fascinating, along with offer some other perks not otherwise thought of.

One such material that a few new properties are being built with is concrete. Concrete houses are a modern take on the standard residence and can provide you with endless designs. But, it's not just about looks. Concrete properties have many advantages that may assist you to decide on using this specific product.

Efficient Resources

By using concrete to build a brand-new house, you're practically using resources that are plentiful and easy to supply. The main raw material for the cement in concrete is limestone, which is simply one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. You would be using products that are easy to locate and source and therefore choosing a renewable material.

A Durable Property

Using concrete to construct your residence will make the house incredibly resilient. Concrete buildings are lasting, hard-wearing and will not rot, rust or burn. In fact, if you own a concrete home it is likely to last two to three times longer than standard buildings.

Affordable Heating/Cooling Expenses

Concrete has the capability to take in and retain heat a lot better and simpler than other building products. This means that you can ultimately see a large reduction in your cooling and heating expenses due to the concretes inherent thermal mass abilities. The more you use concrete, the broader the benefits. Homes that have foundations, walls and floors all made from concrete are very likely to maximise the benefits as opposed to a property only partially using concrete. Added to this the use of lighter coloured concrete, which can reflect more solar radiation, making the home cooler in Summer.

Less Waste

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Due to the fact that concrete can be made precisely to a projects' requirements, this means there is less waste when constructing the property. If for any reason why the home is to be destroyed in the future, concrete can be crushed and recycled into aggregate to be used in various other tasks. This makes using concrete for residence building a relatively "green" choice to assist decrease the impact on the environment and landfill.

Extra Comfort

Among the advantages of a concrete home that many house owners have mentioned is the improvement in comfort levels. There is much less cold draughts going through the property in the colder months, as well as having a quieter residence. The increased insulation levels means much less noise and air gets through the property needlessly, making for a much more comfortable property.

A Modern-day House

There's no doubt that a property made from concrete will make your residence look exceptionally contemporary and unique. While it isn't a choice for all home-owners, those looking for a modern-day twist to their structure can certainly accomplish that with a home made of concrete. Using concrete also allows you and your house developer to be more imaginative with the design of the residence and add components that may not be feasible using standard building materials.

Concrete is a fantastic material to use for creating a brand-new home. It provides many benefits such as energy efficiency and waste reduction, but likewise looks trendy and modern.

A lot of these homes utilise formwork and scaffolding so as to build them and therefore, having the best formwork and scaffolding company on-board to make your new residence dreams come true is very important.

Uni-Span offer a wide range of scaffolding and formwork services and accessories, as well and engineering services to ensure your build goes without problems.

Contact Uni-Span to learn more about concrete constructions, scaffolding hire and sales and formwork projects on 1300 882 825 or go to our website at

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